Bee Net Zero



Greater Manchester has never been a region to shy away from a challenge, which is why we’re working towards becoming the UK's leading green city region with ambitious decarbonisation targets.

Now we’re asking organisations from all sectors to join us on the journey and commit to Bee Net Zero.

Make the commitment    Learn about the support available



Why make the commitment?

Businesses are responsible for a huge amount of the region’s carbon emissions. As the world’s first industrial city, we feel it's now our responsibility to lead the transition to net zero.

The only way we can do this is by working together. If businesses, local authorities and other organisations can share expertise and collaborate, the region can lower carbon emissions and create a better future for everyone.

Bee Net Zero partners are trusted names across Greater Manchester and offer free expert advice, a comprehensive schedule of events and guides for businesses at all stages of the sustainability journey. We're making it easier than ever for businesses to become greener, and making the commitment is the first step.


The benefits

Becoming a greener business can lower your energy costs, help you remain competitive and futureproof your organisation.

By showing your commitment to sustainability clearly, you can improve your organisation's attractiveness to leading talent, customers and suppliers.

Committing to Bee Net Zero will help your organisation on its sustainability journey, show you're serious about becoming greener and help you be a part of something bigger - a network of likeminded organisations across our city-region.





have already made the commitment to becoming greener, will you join them?

What's in it for you?

By committing  to ‘Bee Net Zero’ you can join a group of Greater Manchester businesses already on the journey to net zero and having a positive impact on the planet.

Play your part

Benefit from corporate, customer, community, staff and peer group recognition by making it clear that your business is committed to becoming greener and helping Greater Manchester achieve net zero goals.

Social Media Toolkit

We’ll make it easy for you to show you’re serious about climate action by offering you a free social media toolkit.

Free advice and support

Bee Net Zero partners will help you to set targets, take action and understand the complexities of becoming a greener organisation to make your commitment a reality. Experts from the Bee Net Zero partnership can offer guidance at all stages of your sustainability journey.

Greater connections

With a growing network, you’ll be able to learn from similar organisations within your sector and share your experiences.

So, what are you waiting for? The race against climate change is on, it’s time to commit to Bee Net Zero.

Make the Commitment

Learn more about the support available from the Bee Net Zero partnership

Bee Net Zero

Visit our home page to learn more about the Bee Net Zero partnership and how we provide free, trusted support to Greater Manchester organisations at all stages of their sustainability journey.

Rooftop Revolution

View our Rooftop Revolution page which aimed to help businesses learn more about solar and how onsite renewables could save them money and reduce their carbon footprint. 

Go Electric

View our campaign page which aims to help businesses understand the transition from electric vehicles from installing charging infrastructure to salary sacrifice schemes, explaining the benefits and the support available.

Guide to Green Finance

Read our guide to green finance that gives an overview of all of the support options available to organisations across Greater Manchester to help fund green projects.