Bee Net Zero

Transport for Greater Manchester launches new Business Travel Hub

  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024
  • Posted By The Growth Company

Bee Net Zero partner Transport for Greater Manchester has launched a new Business Travel Hub to help employers across Greater Manchester promote sustainable travel to and from the workplace.

The new Business Travel Hub aims make it easier for businesses across Greater Manchester to promote the Bee Network to their employees, helping them to make sustainable choices..

For employers, promoting the use of public transport and active travel can help staff to save money, have a better commuting experience, and travel more sustainably – reducing your organisation’s carbon footprint.

Transport for Greater Manchester’s new Business Travel Hub aims to make it really easy for businesses to access information that can make it simple for their employees to use the Bee Network.

The Hub has been developed from business engagement activity, where employers have pointed out that it’s often quite confusing to understand what options are available for staff to use and to signpost employees in the right direction.

On the Hub Greater Manchester employers can find a suite of downloadable materials (images, videos, social and newsletter copy, posters) which can be adapted for use in your workplace to promote sustainable travel.

The materials can be used in internal newsletters, on noticeboards or via the intranet. There’s also some advice and guidance on how to use the materials and adapt them for your business.


Visit the Business Travel Hub