Bee Net Zero

Webinar: Simplifying decarbonisation for SMEs

  • Wednesday, November 22, 2023
  • Posted By The Growth Company

Bee Net Zero partner, The Energy Innovation Agency is launching a new webinar on how to reduce your business’s carbon emissions whist also lowering outgoing costs.  

Running on the 6th December, this free hour-long webinar will help you learn more about low-cost, easy to install, energy efficient technology and how they can help businesses to lower their energy consumption while simultaneously lowing costs.  

Many businesses want to improve their energy efficiency and lower their carbon footprint but face challenges or obstacles in getting started such as lack of skills and knowledge, perceived cost, fear of low return on investment or battling competing priorities and more. This webinar will raise awareness of some of the low-cost, easy to install and implement technologies that can be made to your buildings that could help the business reduce costs, perform more efficiently as well as making a positive contribution to the wider climate change initiative. 

The hosts are The Energy Innovation Agency, who are accelerating Greater Manchester’s transition to a low-carbon economy by supporting energy innovators to scale and grow their businesses and connecting them with GM businesses to help overcome their energy challenges.

Supported by eight partners from the public and private sectors, the Agency offers a range of diverse services to businesses to support them in developing, deploying, and delivering their green products and services here in GM; innovations which can help overcome the energy challenges that many GM businesses face and help them to become more energy efficient, whilst reducing energy costs. 

This seminar will feature two discussions led by market-leading green energy businesses – Smart Sockets, who produce plug sockets that are powered by machine learning, which automatically identify and eliminate the small power waste of your devices, reducing your carbon emissions and electricity bills. The second is DiscreteHeat’s ThermSkirt technology, which combines heating and skirting into one cost effective, space saving and energy efficient package. 

Register now to discover some of the easy changes that can be made to the buildings you operate within, which can help to reduce energy costs, optimise energy usage, and make your business more competitive. 

Register your interest here